Over the course of the project we will be posting
information about the progress of the new elementary, and the remodel at the
high school. The district board and administrative staff wanted to make sure we
kept you full informed as to how the bond money has been spent and the impact
it will have on the students. We welcome any questions or comments, and if
there is any aspect of the construction process you would like to know about
please let us know and we will do our best to document it for you here.
Our project manager is Brooks Dohrman, he is just finishing
a $32 million bond project for the Circle District in Towanda.
He is assisted by Beau Berry our project engineer.
The site will be run by our superintendent Devin Carter, he has just finished and expansion at North West High School for USD 259.
Our team are passionate about construction and have a great
deal of experience working on school projects. Please feel free to say hi if
you see them, and ask them how the project is going.
또한 사이트주소는 앞전에 말씀드린대로 관련 이미지 및 바로가기를 클릭하시면 이동하오니 따로 문의를 안하셔도 됩니다. 그만큼 편안하고 믿음을 주는 바카라사이트라는 인식이 그리고 운영이 있기에 가능한 일이기 때문입니다. 그 중 우리계열이란 타이틀은 타사와는 비교될 수 없는 슬롯 압도적인 회원보유 이 이유가 가장 큽니다.